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The Muscle Growth Process Explained

This summer, your new mantra should be “Work smarter, not harder”.


Thousands flock to gyms all over the country everyday, trying to gain muscle and burn fat, ignoring this simple mantra.

For example, just ask any of them the question: “How do muscles grow?” and I guarantee that their response will be a blank stare or a confused reaction of sorts.

So, how do muscles grow? Let’s take a look at the science behind the art.

As you train, you must understand that every single action and process within your body has a single purpose: to keep you alive and healthy.

When you visit the gym, you put your muscles under stress by lifting weights. Your muscles come closer to failure with every repetition that you do, which means at one point, they will “give out” and you will not be able to do any more reps, no matter how hard you push yourself.The muscle building process is the same in nature and in scientific terms, the muscle building process is called “hypertrophy”.

As they get closer to failure, these reps create deeper and deeper inroads through the muscle fibre, resulting in what we call “micro-tears”.

Basically, what you are doing is breaking down your muscle fibres and our body reacts to this damage by repairing the muscles.

The muscle repair process is the key part in building muscle. Your body begins repairing muscle tissue when you stop putting stress on your muscles, in other words after stopping your workout.

The thing is, your body sees the damage to your muscles as a threat to its survival, so it will rebuild the damaged muscle tissue bigger and better than before to protect against future threats.

So this increased muscle size and strength is a natural evolutionary response to the micro-tears that your muscles have suffered during heavy weight training. But the key is the recovery phase (repairing). So be smart – do the right kind of exercise and get the “exercise vs recovery” balance right. It’s as simple as that.

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