Here’s a shocking fact: The human body naturally loses more than 250g of muscle every year beginning at age of 30. This number is also getting less as we have become such a stationary society – with working behind computers and being in lockdown. We re the once a day moving your body is probably not enough.
Why is this so scary?
Because muscle loss is directly responsible for falls and hip fractures later in life. And half the people who break their hip don’t survive it.
In addition, not having much lean muscle invites fat and flab, because muscles is a natural calories are burner. So, fewer muscles equal more body fat. Because the muscles that would help burning fat is slowly depleting.
And it isn’t just your body that declines. Being sedentary shrinks your brain, affecting your memory and cognitive abilities. Circulation slows. Arteries clog. And your sex life suffers.
Strength = “Youth” (No Matter What Your Age)
Losing muscle is the fast lane to rapid aging.
When you’re weak, you tire easily … don’t feel like physical activity … spend more time on the couch. Of course, this just hastens even more muscle loss.
Before you realize it, you’re looking and feeling “old” — even if you’re only in your 40s, 50s, or 60s.
German scientists won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for demonstrating “The fitter a person is in middle-age or onward, the younger their cells.”
In other words, you can slow your rate of aging by staying strong — or you can grow old faster by allowing your body to become weak and frail.
Here’s why you should: If you get ill or need surgery, your body calls upon the protein in muscles to repair itself. That’s why a patient who’s bedridden for even a few days loses noticeable muscle tone and mass. By building muscle now, you’ll have a decided advantage later.
Resistance training has shown to be one of the best ways to build muscles for all ages.
We have been working from Mt Wellington now for almost 2 years and Melissa is loving helping people from her home facility and being able to be a mum.
We have a few slots available in the week as well as on Saturday’s let us know if you would like to come and check us out.
We always offer 2 sessions for $29 as a trial.